Crisis and Counselling Resources
Emergency (Fire, Police, Ambulance)
Dial 9-1-1
Suicide Helpline
1-800-784-2433 (24 hrs/7 days)
Hope for Wellness Help Line
1-855-242-3310 (24 hrs/7 days). Offers immediate mental health counselling and crisis intervention to all Indigenous peoples across Canada.
1-800-563-0808. Crisis support for anyone who has experienced violence (24 hrs / 7 days)
Vancouver General Hospital Sexual Assault Service
604-875-4995 (24 hrs/7 days)
Women against Violence against Women (crisis line)
604-255-6344 (24 hrs/7days)
The Crisis Centre of BC (suicide helpline)
1-800-784-2433 (24 hrs/7 days).
• Immediate access to barrier-free, nonjudgmental, confidential support and follow-up through 24/7 phone lines and online services.
• Education and training programs that promote mental wellness and equip schools, organizations, and communities to assist people at risk of suicide.
• Immediate access to barrier-free, nonjudgmental, confidential support and follow-up through 24/7 phone lines and online services.
• Education and training programs that promote mental wellness and equip schools, organizations, and communities to assist people at risk of suicide.
Trans LifeLine’s Hotline
CA 1-877-330-6366; U.S. 877-565-8860. Offers direct peer emotional and financial support to trans people in crisis—for the trans community, by the trans community.
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